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Dwylo Bach

Tylino Babi Gwanwyn Spring Baby Massage

Tylino Babi Gwanwyn Spring Baby Massage

Regular price £58.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £58.00 GBP
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Tax included.

Mae Dwylo Bach wedi gwneud newidiadau am y gorau yn 2024. Gyda chi mewn golwg fydd on ganddoch fwy o amser i gysylltu a pethau bach ychwanegol o fewn y sesiynau. Mi fydd y cwrs 5 sesiwn yn rhedeg dros 6 wythnos i roi seibiant dros yr hanner tymor os oes ganddoch blant hyn ac mae wythnos wrth gefn ar y diwedd rhag ofn bod y sesiwn yn cael ei ohurio ac angen ei ail drefnu. Drwy y newidiadau yma fydd yn dod a sesiynau fwy ymlaciol ac hyd yn oed fwy cyfforddus gyda paned neu diod o'ch dewis wedi ei gynnwys gan gaffi Storiel. Fwy o wybodaeth ynglyn ar sesiynau ar y gwaelod.


Dwylo Bach have made some changes for the better in 2024. This will enhance your experience with more time to connect and includes some extras. The course will run for 5 sessions instead of 4 over 6 weeks, with an additional week at the end as back up for any unforeseen circumstance so there is more calm for our busy lives. Your session includes a hot or cold drink of your choice from the cafe and all you need for a warm, cosy session for ultimate comfort. More information follows below.

Dydd Mawrth | Tuesday STORIEL Bangor








14.05.2024 BUFFER WEEK 

14.05.2024 - no session planned but is an additional date for catch up if any unforeseen circumstances occur during the block.

Bilingual, Relaxed, Cosy, small group 5 week session includes:

-  A hot or cold drink of your choice provided by Storiel Cafe so you have an opportunity to chat and get yourselves comfortable.

- Weekly baby massage routine with Catrin focusing on benefits, techniques and providing 1-1 time for you and your baby to have that opportunity to communicate and bond. Every week will be different whilst keeping a consistent routine of cues and patterns for your baby to feel secure. Mum will have time to practice breathing and stretching techniques but you're free to opt in or out however you're feeling.

- You wont need to bring anything other than you and baby (and their changing bits) as all clean and comfortable mats and towels are provided in a warm room and softly lit room. You will be given Organic Sunflower Oil suitable for baby to take home so you can practice in your own time with handouts and other resources available digitally. Small gift, local discounts and certificate included. 

*All Mummies on Dwylo Bach courses receive a 15% discount on any postnatal massage with Dwylo Braf*

Once booking is made, I will be in contact with additional information for details and contact forms. 

Bookings are non-refundable but if you have any questions or change of circumstance I will always try my best to accomodate you and your baby is possible, and if this course is fully booked please get in contact as sometimes spaces do come available last minute.

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