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Dwylo Bach

Bocs Bach Cymreig

Bocs Bach Cymreig

Regular price £45.48 GBP
Regular price Sale price £45.48 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
Candle and/or Wooden Rattle
Baby Balm
Gift Voucher

Anrheg i’r rhiant, i’r babi ac un i rannu! Mae bocs anrheg Dwylo Bach yn cynnwys cynnyrch Cymraeg o’r safon uchaf sy’n siŵr o blesio. Ychwanegwch un, neu bob un o’r anrhegion i focs wedi ei lapio gyda'r trimings a’i yrru i’r rhieni newydd.

Mwnci Cymru ~ Ratl pren ecogyfeillgar gan Y Cwmni Tegannau Cymraeg

Patapata ~ Balm naturiol rhiant a babi sy’n arogli ac yn teimlo’n hyfryd. Dewis o dri math i bersonoli eich bocs.

Canhwyllau Noeth ~ Nos Da. Dewis o ddwy gannwyll ddeniadol ag arogl hyfryd ac ymlaciol lafant, fanila a chamri.

Taleb Dwylo Bach i wario ar sesiynau rhiant a babi neu wasanaeth therapi tylino cyn neu ôl-feichogrwydd.


A gift for the parent, the baby and one to share! The Dwylo Bach gift box includes Welsh products of the highest standard that is sure to please. Include one or every one of these gorgeous gifts to be wrapped with all the trimmings and sent to the new parents.

Mwnci Cymru ~ An ecofriendly wooden rattle by the Welsh Toy Company

Patapata ~ A natural balm that can be used by baby and parent to soothe, calm and protect. It feels and smells amazing - 3 to choose from.

Canhwyllau Noeth ~ Nos Da. A choice of two stylish and natural candles which are calming with notes of chamomile, lavender and vanilla.

Dwylo Bach Gift Voucher ~ To spend on parent and baby sessions or massage therapy services for pre and postnatal.



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